When Thursday night's Must See TV and Friends and Seinfeld ended, so did my loyalty to any television show. It may be that those years marked the beginning of motherhood and the loss of free time.
I'd watch the occasional Thirty Minute Meals with Rachel Ray, but other than that, the television has been background noise. For me. Unfortunately my children have too many shows they watch. Hubby isn't loyal to anything on television other than the New England Patriots. Sports Center fills the air in the morning as we get ready for work and school, and Little Guy will turn on Cartoon Network when he gets home from school.
Which I immediately turn off. Chores and homework first, then he can watch a show before practice. The girls will binge watch, though. Princess started with The Walking Dead, which she's now caught up with and waits anxiously for each new episode. Sports Girl's friends got her hooked on Grey's Anatomy, which she binged.
And me? I use the time the kids are glued to their shows to escape and write. I guess it's a win-win. Binge for them equals quiet time for me.
There are times when I feel I could possibly be missing out on something big, but ignorance is bliss, I suppose. I'll use my snippets of alone time to read and write.
What's your poison? What are your binging habits?