I love competitions, but only enter when I know I'll be able to succeed. I don't like failure (who does?) and always, ALWAYS reach my goals. This is because I set realistic goals. The first time I did the NaNo challenge (although I didn't technically sign up) was in 2014 and my goal was not to write 50K words. I normally don't write ANY words in November (it's a busy month) so I made my goal to make a conscious effort to write as much as I could. I didn't announce my goals (for fear of failure) and didn't have any writing buddies.
I completely shocked myself by writing 30K words. In 2015 I officially signed up, started my buddy list, set my goal at 30K again, and became a voice of motivation for others in my writing circle. I actually wrote 70K words. An entire first draft of a novel, which was later published in March of 2017. The book I wrote last year will be released in the spring of 2018. Pretty cool, in my book. Pun intended.

My advice to you, whether you're a writer, painter, gymnast, crafter, accountant or whatever, is to make timelines and goals that work for YOU. Don't compare yourself with others. The Facebook friend who writes 5K a day and works full time and has two kids may not have the medical issues you and your family has to deal with. Maybe she has a stronger support system and you're running things on your own. The author you follow on Twitter may write a thousand words a day 365 days a year, but does he walk in your shoes? No. No one else does.

Be YOU and no one else. Make goals that make you happy, that measure your success, not your success compared to others.
Good luck to all my writer friends who are stepping it up and setting goals. If you want to Buddy me, my NaNo name is MRiceauthor. I can't wait to hear about your successes at the end of the month.