Take a look at my kids' responses. Princes is #1, Sports Girl is #2 and Little Guy's responses are #3.

1.You don’t freakin’ watch TV
2.The news
3.Your computer
B. Usually what dressing do I eat on my salad?
1.Caesar or Ranch. Low fat stuff.
2.The healthiest one because you're boring
C. Name a food I hate:
1.Cotton candy
2. Peas
3 You only make food you like so I don’t know. Then: Brussel sprouts

1. Water with lemon (ha ha. Yes, it’s true. I don’t drink much in front of the kids)
2. Water and the healthy food item because you're boring.
3 Ice water with lemon
E. What is my favorite music to listen to?
1. Country
2. Country
3. Country
F. What is my nickname for you?
1. Princess
2. Breaking Wind
3. A5
G. What is something I could collect?
1. Books
2. Books
3. Books

1. Chocolate
2. Ice cream or chocolate
3 Dark chocolate
***It's not a matter of if. I do eat chocolate every day.
I. What is my favorite cereal?
1. I don’t know. You don’t eat cereal.
2. You don't eat cereal.
3 You don’t eat cereal
J. What would I never wear?
1. Plaid
2. You have so many clothes. You wear everything.
3. Garbage
K. What is my favorite sports team?
1. Patriots. Or the kids’ teams
2. Patriots
3. Patriots
L. What is something that you do that I wish you wouldn't?
1. Have an attitude (Oh! So she DOES hear my complain about it!!)
2. Fight with my sister.
3 I don’t really do anything wrong (mom laughs hysterically)

1. Vanilla cake with chocolate icing
2. Vanilla
3 Gluten free vanilla
**Note. My children know I'm a chocolate lover but prefer vanilla cake.
N. What is my favorite animal?
1. Puppies
2. The Little Guy
3 “You don’t talk about these things. I don’t know” (note..we don’t have pets because Hubby is allergic)
O. What could I spend all day doing?
1. Writing
2. Reading or writing
3. Writing
Princess: Did I win?
Sports Girl: That was kind of lame
Little Guy: Can I play on Playstation now?