Writing can be a lonely, scaring career, so it's awesome to connect to those in the same boat. (Granted, I work full-time as a high school English teacher and have three kids so life isn't exactly "lonely" at home.) It was wonderful to listen to authors I admire and those who are new to me speak about our ever changing industry, marketing ideas and lessons on the craft of writing.

If you're an author and have never been to a writing conference, I highly recommend it! If you're a reader and want to hang out with authors (we're so much fun!!) check out the Fall in Love with New England conference for readers this fall.
And now it's back to the grind. Day job. Doctor's appointments. Laundry. Grocery shopping. Practices. I suppose that's what life is about: balance. But what I really want to do is dive into my current manuscript and apply all the wonderful ideas I got from the conference. Next week is spring break, which means finding balance between entertaining my kiddos, writing and reading. Happy spring, friends! |