The past few months have been nonstop busy with the kids' activities, writing and reading events, the day job, chores, and the like. Finally, FINALLY, vacation week is upon us. One more week of work and then it's family time in sunny California. The kids have been a few times (we have family out there) but now that they're older they're even more excited.
With a family of five, the rule is: each person brings one carry-on. Hubby and Little Guy will have no problem fitting their shorts and T's in a backpack, but the girls and I...it'll be a challenge.

I've had pretty good luck with my traveling...until two weeks ago. I was flying home from JFK (a 50-minute flight) and got held up by TSA. They didn't like my flat iron and took it apart. I ended up missing my flight by 3 minutes and the next available flight was 10 hours later!!! Thankfully, I was able to get on the stand-by list for a flight 4 hours later. Two people missed that flight (sorry, guys!) which got me a seat on it. Phew! At least I was alone and got some writing done.