Why Do Writers Write?
By Susan Behon
Why do writers write? Like Stephen King said, it's not for the money, and it's definitely not for the fame. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't turn down a fat paycheck, but I started writing because it felt like something I was meant to do. I hesitated for years before I finally took the plunge and tried writing a book. There were so many excuses...not enough time...not enough talent...or ooh look, there's something shiny!
The years passed and every so often, my need to write outweighed my reasons not to. I'll admit it. I wrote fanfiction. I got my feet wet and I enjoyed the feedback. That still wasn't enough. I wrote a few pieces of satire and that wasn't enough either. My biggest obstacle was me. That inner voice that said, "You just aren't good enough to write something as big as a book."
I love books and to my credit, I think I've read thousands of them. As for romance novels, my addiction to them started when I was thirteen years old and the school librarian wanted to get rid of a bag of Harlequins. It was a treasure trove! I sat on my bunk bed and read the lot of them. As an introverted kid, the stories took me to places and introduced me to people—characters—that were interesting, funny, dramatic, and, of course, sexy. My books were my friends. They still are.
One fateful night, my muse kicked my inner doubt's ass and I woke up wanting, N0--needing to write a book. My hand flew across my spiral bound notebook with story ideas, characters, and dialogue. Some were good, some were bad, some were downright awful, but my new mission in life was to write my own romance novel.
By the way, let me tell you why I will never give another writer a bad review. Writing a book is hard and if you take the initiative to try it, you have my complete and utter respect. Simple words, but true nonetheless. Holy Hell, how did people do it?

I write romance because I want my readers to feel the same sense of happiness I feel when a love story can take you away from it all. You can live vicariously through the characters’ struggles, immerse yourself in a new place, smile, laugh, cry and come out of it knowing there is always a happy ending. The world needs more happy endings.
Without the stacks of money and the overnight fame, was it worth it? Damn straight it was! Why? Because I'm a writer! Through feedback, I've learned that people have read my love stories and enjoyed them. They've laughed at the funny parts, got teary eyed over the sappy parts, and fanned themselves over the steamy parts. That's all I ever wanted.
But, hey, don't get me wrong, buying my books will put a smile on my face too! :)

All or Nothing
Security expert Christopher King had his dream woman until he was forced to let her go. Fiona O’Malley is determined to find out the truth and Chris will do anything to keep her safe. She is the key to unlocking his secrets, including the love he can no longer hide
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Susan Behon, author of the Madison Falls series, enjoys creating a world that brings readers romance, laughter, and a healthy dose of sexiness. Susan graduated summa cum laude with a B. A. in English from Norfolk State University. She currently lives in Ohio with her very own romance hero of a husband and their two wonderful daughters.
Social Media Links:
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