I love this course, Book Editing Blueprint: A Step-by-Step Plan to Making Your Novels Publishable, because it's "all" there. Super informative, lots of resources, and amazing worksheets. I totally recommend you check it out! You. Are. Welcome!!
Book Editing Blueprint: A Step-By-Step Plan To Making Your Novels Publishable is a self-paced online course for beginner and intermediate fiction and creative nonfiction writers.
Features list: The course contains 10 self-editing modules plus a bonus module on foiling the frustration. It includes:
- 28 video tutorials, most between 4-10 minutes
- 200 pages of transcripts
- 71-page workbook with worksheets and cheat sheets
- 25-page Book Editing Blueprint checklist
Who is this course for?
- Beginner writers who have just finished, are working on, or are thinking about writing a fiction or creative nonfiction manuscript. For fiction, the course is appropriate for any genre other than picture books or books for young children. It would be appropriate for authors of short stories, middle grade novels, YA novels, novellas, or adult novels. Creative nonfiction is a manuscript about people and places (such as a memoir, essays, or biography) that can benefit from fiction techniques like description, emotion, and characterization.
- Intermediate authors who have had a couple of books published, but their editors keep sending them back to the drawing board for multiple rounds of rewrites and the editing process still feels overwhelming. They want to turn in well-developed, polished manuscripts and get to a higher level.
- Authors who find hiring an editor too expensive and feel they might be skimping on the editing process due to cost.
- Getting started tips
- Choose your own adventure
- Bonus lesson: How to apply creative techniques to your nonfiction book
Module 1: Characters
Module 2: Structure
Module 3: Point of View
Module 4: Show, Don’t Tell
Module 5: Dialogue
Module 6: Pacing
Module 7: Line Editing
Module 8: Copyediting
Module 9: Hiring an Editor
Module 10: Putting It All Together
Bonus: Foiling the Frustration—Motivation Strategies for Authors
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