I've never cut down a tree before but I'd seen so many pictures over the years of happy families laughing and making wonderful memories. Well, it didn't exactly go down that way with the Rice's. Princess whined about the cold (and refused to wear a coat or hat because that's apparently not cool), and Hubby was upset I wouldn't let him bring a chainsaw. Thankfully Little Guy enjoyed himself stomping through the mud, and Sports Girl loves any outing so she was fairly content.
And then the hunt was on for the biggest, fattest Christmas tree we could find. They all thought I was being too picky when I passed over the first thirty trees they found, and deemed the one I selected too big. There's a corner in our long living room that's fairly empty eleven months out of the year. It was made for a Christmas tree. A wide one. And a wide one we found. I won't mention the muttering that went on when Hubby had to use the little hacksaw to cut it down, or the fact that he tweaked his back while dragging it out of the woods. He's in wicked good shape, but the tree. It's huge. And gorgeous!
Now that it's standing beautifully in our living room, the family is pleased with my insistance on our outing. Once again, Mom was right. Decorating the tree has always been one of my favorite times, reminiscing about our favorite ornaments.

Sixteen years later the bride and groom still stand, er, hang, tall.