Today some of my author friends and I are sharing our favorite "mug shots". Believe it or not, I'm not a coffee drinker. I love the smell of freshly ground beans, of delicious blends like Hazelnut and French Vanilla, but the taste...blech! I'm a green tea or hot chocolate drinker. Preferably tea in the morning and during the day, and hot chocolate (mounded with whipped cream and maybe a shot of armareto) at night.
Today I'm writing and drinking my Yogi Blueberry Slim Life tea out of my favorite mug. I love it because of it's size. Yeah, you know, size does matter. :-) And it's festive, too.
I'd love to see a picture of you and your favorite mug! Tell us what hot beverage you like to sip on during these cold winter nights. Oh, and don't forget to check out the author's links as well. I promise there are amazing books on their websites!

**In the picture she's actually drinking lavender/chamomile tea (another favorite)***






