I realize life gets hectic and depending on the day/week/month, you may not be able to do it all (who can, really???). All I ask is that as a member of my street team you regularly help spread the word of my books. I'm not talking every day, or even every week, but being an active supporter is what a team is all about.
Those who are selected to be a Ricecake will be invited to a closed Facebook group where we can chat, hang out, get to know each other. It'll be fun. Promise. A word of warning: I like posting pictures of sexy men (no total nudity...although a nice butt cheek every now and then may appear), wine, sarcasm and food.
If you're still interested in joining, please complete the registration form and I'll let you know if you've made it in. I'm limiting the number of Ricecakes right now, but may open it up to another round in the future. Please share this form with other active readers who may be interested in joining the team.
Thank you for your support,
Link to registration form: goo.gl/forms/upDLQ1ZAWtubmW7t1
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AMAZON UK: http://amzn.to/1XszP2T