I don't really care about the Bradjolena break up, the Mariah Carey technical malfunction. It doesn't impact my life at all. I don't care if the person next to me is gay or straight, is black or white, is Jewish or Catholic. It doesn't change my world any. And you see, the world revolves around me.
Celebrity couples aren't going to go to school for me and teach my students. They're not going to drive my children to their practices, their games, their jobs. The gay or straight person at the cash register at the grocery store isn't going to go home and make my meals for my family (although wouldn't that be nice?). And our political leaders aren't going to bring my children to their doctor's appointments, or hug them tight when they're having a hard time coping with their diabetes management.
Whatever is happening on social media, whatever the "professionals" predict or don't predict, the truth of the matter is, what matters is MY family. That my children are loved and cared for. That my husband and I teach them about love and acceptance. About being humble and kind (Love you, Tim McGraw!) That we support each other, build each other up.
Are my kids perfect? Heck no! Hubby and I work hard every day to be good role models, to teach them wrong from right, to build tolerance. To love.
I'm doing what's best for me, for my children, for our family, for my friends. To build my world and let those in who feel the same. See? My world really does revolve around me.