RB: All of my books, surprisingly have been dreamt up. Literally. If they didn’t come from a dream, then they certainly came from a nightmare! (There is a scene in Nobody’s Obligation which is to this day, my greatest fear – you can guess which one!)
They often have facets of people or situations I know of, but ultimately they come from that weird place between awake and asleep.
MR: I can't imagine writing about my dreams. They make absolutely no sense. How cool that you are able to create a book from them! What does your family think of your writing?
RB: My family think it’s amazing. They have had to endure all the crappy short stories since I was younger and now, they get to see them looking like a real book with a cover and no spelling mistakes!
MR: How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
RB: They say you shouldn’t have a favourite, you shouldn’t be able to choose between your children, but for me this is a very easy question and I didn’t hesitate to make a decision. My favourite book is actually the one which is due to be released in September 2016 (you haven’t seen it yet).
The book, Coming Home, is very different to everything I’ve previously done and full of emotions and very, real and raw characters. (I may be harbouring a not so secret crush on the main character, Spencer)
MR: Oh, sounds fascinating! As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
RB: I wanted to be a Marine Biologist. After seeing the film, “Free Willy” I fell completely in love with whales. Living on the east coast of Australia I am lucky enough to each year witness the Humpback migration route and all I wished for was to be able to watch them and study them each day.
MR: That must be fascinating to watch! Where are you from?
RB: I’m an Aussie! Currently I live with my husband and overly spoilt dog in Canberra but over the years I was lucky enough to move around. Born in the City, moved to the country before coming back to the beach and for now, settled back in Canberra – which is basically a big country town!
MR: What inspired you to write this book?
RB: “On Dry Land” was basically born out of readers asking me what happened next. When I sat down and wrote “Perfection is just an Illusion – Book 1” I never intended for it to be a series. Then I had a nightmare around what would happen if the guy the main character was based on found out he was the inspiration behind the words, thus “Nobody’s Obligation – Book 2” was born.

Tyler Andrews, Olympic swimming superstar, has always gotten his way—until he falls in love.
Living in the spotlight was just part of Tyler’s life. Magazines, paparazzi, and being the topic of every sports radio show in Australia…it was either adjust or be driven insane. He’d gotten used to his fame. Hell, he even enjoyed it. But there is one thing he can’t get used to—his girlfriend, Ava Jacobs, hates being the center of the public’s attention.
Ava has lived her life in the shadows—and that’s exactly how she likes it.
But after fulfilling her lifelong dream to have her debut novel published, her world is turned on its head by Tyler’s fame. She writes novels for a reason—it’s a quiet, peaceful profession. The last thing she wants is to be thrown into the spotlight.
Love and life don’t always fit as well as fame and fortune.
Frustrated by Ava’s continuous reluctance to publicly embrace their relationship, Tyler takes every opportunity to make his own declarations—social media posts, visiting her at work, and even crashing her first television promotional appearance, which she grudgingly accepted as part of her publishing deal.
So when something changes and Tyler abruptly pulls away, Ava knows something is terribly wrong.
With Olympic selection looming, Ava’s publisher eagerly awaiting a sequel to her hit novel, and day-to-day life taking a toll, Tyler starts to see that life is much easier in the pool than…
Dry Land